Rach On The Radio

Rach On The Radio

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LAUV Reveals He's From PA, Grew Up Listening To Q102 & His Go-To Wawa Order

Welcome to the City of Brotherly Lauv!

Did you know that LAUV -- one of my favorite artist, *warning: humble brag coming*, not only joined me IN STUDIO to chat all about his newest single "All For Nothing", but also is from Radnor, PA?!

He's literally a local who loves Wawa (and actually spills the tea on his go-to Wawa order) and admits that grew up listening to Q102 on his radio presets!!

He even stayed to play a quick game of Like It Or Lauv It; And all we can say is... we Lauv him more now than ever!

Check all that out and more below on our latest podcast episode of Serving SiRACHa

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